I’m a millennial caregiver.

Here are 3 things you can do right now to feel more prepared as you jump in to the unknown.

Lauren F. Westmoreland


My father in law, Ed, celebrates 80 trips around the sun. We got to spend five years together after his stroke, during which time I learned much about caregiving. Photo by Lauren Westmoreland
My now-departed and much loved father in law, Ed with his favorite doggy duo, Vincent and Skip, celebrating 80 trips around the sun. Photo by Lauren Flores

If you’re here, it’s probably because you have found yourself unexpectedly caring for your mom, dad, grandma, partner, or otherwise in a very intimate, intense way. You’re also likely a millennial, like me.



Lauren F. Westmoreland

Translating messy human experiences as a writer, cutting to the heart of humanity from as many perspectives as possible. https://linktr.ee/lfwestmoreland